Friday, 17 January 2014

Internet of Things Events, Conferences and Meetups

Here's what I found from a quick Google for interesting IoT events in 2014 (European ones highlighted for my own future convenience):

IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT) 6-8 March, Seoul, Korea
M2M Conference 24-25 April, London
Thingscon 2-3 May, Berlin
IoT-SoS 16 June, Sydney
IoT Week 16-20 June, London
Intelligent Environments 30 June-4th July, Shanghai
Smart Systech 1-2 July, Dortmund
Future IoT & Cloud 27-29 August, Barcelona
MIT's IoT Conference 6-8 October, Cambridge, MA
Internet of Things Conference 12-13 November, London

As I discover more, I shall update this list.

Some more interesting links:

IoT Calls for Papers
IoT Events on Twitter
IoT London Meetup Group

Talking of the latter - the London IoT Meetup Group - I, and hundreds of others every month, have not been able to attend any of the monthly meetings, due to the maximum capacity of the venue: 95. There is a desperate need for a second London group! If you are interested in joining me in setting something up, let me know @duncancragg.

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